Sunday, January 21, 2007

Where's My Cell Phone?

My favorite media is a close call between my cell phone and the Internet. I’m going to have to go with my cell phone because I don’t have a landline at my apartment. If I didn’t have my cell phone, I think I would feel secluded from the entire world. I don’t like feeling helpless when I can’t get a hold of someone I need to talk to. Without my phone, I don’t know how I would ever keep in touch with anyone who didn’t live within walking distance or have IM.

I honestly prefer face to face talking over any other form of communication, but if I didn’t have my cell phone I could never call anyone to get together. I use my cell phone to call and bug my boyfriend and keep my parents updated. I also made some really wonderful friends when I studied in Spain. One is from California and the other is from Colorado. With my cell phone, it’s actually really easy to keep in touch with them. Now that I think about it, I feel somewhat lost if I don’t have my cell phone in my purse. It doubles as my watch, so I don’t even know what time it is without it.


B. Weaver said...

That's a really interesting point about how you use the cell phone as a watch. I do the same thing and stopped wearing a watch.

JayGal said...

In addition to using my cell phone as my watch, I am a "text messaging addict." I don't know how I forgot to mention that in my post earlier!